12 January 2007


Just got an email from an Army buddy. I don't think she'll mind if I quote it in its entirety.

they just lifted the red line dude, we're fair game now. fuuuuccc***

"Red line" is a term that doubtless has some very specific meaning, but is one that is generally used by Reservists in reference to the "rules" of our mobilization/deployments.

The rules, as they stood, included, but were not limited to, the following.
1 - Thou shalt not be mobilized on actual "go to war" orders for more than 24 months.
2 - Thou shalt not be boots-on-ground in the AOR for more than 365 days (during any ONE mobilization).
3 - Thou shalt not be touched for mobilization for 365 days after getting DE-mobilized.
4 - Thou shalt not have to do more than two mobilizations, or, more than 24 months of active duty time. (This was nice because the Army always screwed around so much that many mobilizations actually lasted like 14 months, and we all knew they couldn't get their crap together enough to pull off a 10 month mob'.)

Of course, it's the military, and there are lots of caveats. And for those who enjoyed such things, waivers were available. And yes, some people do enjoy this stuff - one of the young guys I went to Iraq with had recently completed a tour in Afghanistan. He's either back in Afghanistan already or mobilizing to go again. He likes it. The money's good. And he has certain deep, psychological issues.

Anyway, the Pentagon finally decided that since the last round of Bush-related elections is over, it was time to go ahead and do this.

Until now, the Pentagon's policy on the Guard or Reserve was that members' cumulative time on active duty for the Iraq or Afghan wars could not exceed 24 months. That cumulative limit is now lifted; the remaining limit is on the length of any single mobilization, which may not exceed 24 consecutive months, Pace said.

What we're saying here is that they're rescinding Rule 4. Which sucks, I guess, but a lot of Reservists and Guardsmen have been able to see this one coming. My favorite bit of the article is this.

The fact that some with previous Iraq experience will end up spending more than 24 months on active duty is "no big deal," Chu said, because it has been "implicitly understood" by most that they eventually would go beyond 24 months.

Well, that's true. Military people are not, contrary to the way the media likes to present it, retarded. If there's writing on the wall, we can read it. Sometimes, way before our civilian friends can. And, young guys aside, we tend to be a pessimistic bunch.

In fact, speaking of writing on the wall, let me share with you my absolute favorite photo from Iraq. It speaks TRUTH.

One of the new MND-B commands that came and and took over while we were there decided all this graffiti on the barriers at BIAP was A Bad Thing, and had all the barriers painted. It was a sad surprise one day when we rolled in up there. However, there was new barrier graffiti in short order. Note to general officers - the American Soldier is a grumbly, sarcastic bastard. Attempts to erase evidence of that are doomed to failure.

Oh yeah - the post title - if you don't get it, well...Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.