23 May 2007

In which Abby is reminded of a song

You heard that new country tune by Brad Paisley? The one where he's using "I'd sure like to check you for ticks," as a pickup line? (Yes, it did occur to me that once upon a time, that's the sort of pickup line that I'd have bit on).

Anyway. He's a guy, singing to a chick. Which is normal.

I, however, spent the last couple hours humming the tune as I picked damn near 20 ticks off the dogs. WTF???

They had their last Frontline on the 10th - they're hardly overdue. I got most of them off Jack, four off of Sparky and a couple from Casey. I've found a few in the past couple days, and finally went on the warpath tonight.

I don't get it. Maybe it's super-intense tick season right now? Maybe Jack washed most of his Frontline off swimming (even though I try to keep them dry for 48 hours after application)? None of the ticks were really latched on that hard - they came off very easily. All were behind ears and on chests and necks.

I've been using Frontline for years, and have never had tick issues while the dogs have been on it. Very odd.

So I hit 'em again - the vet told me early this year that unless one gets really crazy, it's pretty much impossible to harm your dog with Frontline. And tomorrow the clumps of tall grass by the fence they like so much will be gone.

I do not approve of ticks. If I whack the grass tomorrow and Mr. Abby continues to discovers these things, I'm going to insist he put some sort of scorched-earth chemical on the lawn to kill everything while we're househunting.