16 September 2007

We're not dead...

We're simply involved in home improvement.

I took a good look at the news the past few days, and decided I'd rather blog about the ongoing tiki bar project. Keeps my head from going Pow!.

So. We know there are fully assembled tiki bars available.

Nice, eh? And really, if I had a spare $1,899... But I don't. Between guns, motorcycles, dog toys, and these pesky "mortgage" and "utilities," the Bad Dog Household has more time than money.

Fortunately, one of the gentlemen with whom the Mister works has some training in architecture, and so we got plans. From the plans came the material list, and the cutting began.

Lots of cutting. Then there was assembling. And now we have - basic structure.

Credit where it's due - other than occasional "holding," this was the work of the Mister and his coworker. Now, however, comes the labor of love, which will be my baliwick.

It starts with this:

Then comes "weathering," staining, finishing the bar top and, finally, accessorizing.

In a stroke of good timing, the Mister will shortly be out of town (not in the military sense, but in the Big Motorcycle Road Trip sense), leaving me plenty of time to putz around with all of this.

I think it will require the drinking of much beer in the garage.