26 August 2007

Bath Time!

Our lives are not always a giant festival of excitement. That's usually the case, but even swingin' wild folk like the Mister and I occasionally have a quiet night in. Nights like that are when we start to notice that we may have...canine stench issues.

I'm talking about the Little Guy. The big dogs shed, and so they smell pretty okay most of the time. Sparky, on the other hand... Once in a while he'll jump up in my lap and my eyes will water.

That, folks, means it's time for a bath. Once in a while he gets washed in the sink, and occasionally we just dunk him in the pool and swish him around a little. But more often he just ends up in the shower with one of us.

This does not make Sparky happy.

It seems he works long and hard to develop a good stench, and when we try to take it away, he's less-than-thrilled. But he weighs nine pounds and there's not much he can do about it.

Some members of the household wonder why they do not get to take showers.

Someday I shall tell the story of the World's Least Relaxing Bath, wherein I was trying to relax and read a magazine while keeping Jack from launching himself into the tub with me.

Once the Evil Horrible Torture Bath has ended, a towel is applied. Sparky then races through the house, rolling on each dog bed and entry rug in an attempt to regain at least a little stench. Because that's important.

In the end, proper bath recovery requires burrowing in somewhere warm until he's dry. This is most entertaining when he burrows into the bed, because there's nothing like snuggling up to your pillow late at night and discovering it's damp and smells of wet dog.

Worse yet, of course, is snuggling up to your pillowing and realizing it is a small damp dog.

So there's your weekend helping of cute dog pics.

Things I learned in the production of this post - The Mister freaks out just a little bit if he's in the shower and I suddenly begin snapping pictures. And that's kinda funny.