14 August 2007

Last resorts

We were talking about Garands. And about smacking folks with 'em. Rabbit used one of my favorite verbs - "buttstroke." That, for my non-military folks, would be the fine art of smacking an adversary with the butt end of a shotgun, rifle or carbine. You've got your horizontal buttstroke, and your vertical buttstoke.

What? Oh, okay. Let's have some chapter, and some verse. First, let's look at the horizontal option.

Kinda catchy, ain't it? Admit it - even now you're thinking of someone in your life who could use a good buttstroke. But it gets better. I've always found the vertical buttstroke a little more appealing.

Yeah...I know you dig it.

Only the Marine Corps would use low-resolution photos of a black man, wearing a black T-shirt, with a black rifle, in a reasonably dark forest, in a black and white publication. Love my Corps... Other topics addressed in the same section include Tent Pegs and Sharpened Stick - Almost as Useful as a Grenade! and Throwing Rocks at Bad Guys - We're Pretending This is a Viable Option.

Anyway. Never let it be said you waste your time here at Bad Dog Central. We try to provide valuable education on a daily basis.

(note to the curious - all materials shamelessly scanned from my old 1993 Marine Battle Skills Training Handbook, Individual Combat Tasks for the Private-Lance Corporal)