16 August 2007

One more thing...

I just ordered some of that Georgia Arms .30 carbine soft point. I've heard good things about it. Price isn't bad, since the cheap soft point is just stupid, when it can even be found.

These ammo prices, and solid word of more pending increases, have me laying the stuff in like it's going out of style. I think it's entirely possible that over the course of the last ten years, ammo (particularly good .223) may very well have held its own with gold as an investment.

I'm not even preparing for the end of the world, I'd just like to continue to be able to make range trips (and more frequently as life falls back into line) and not go broke doing it. Which has lead to some weirdness.

When the kids were here, I moved the ammo (in cans) out to the garage. Not underfoot that way, you see. The Mister looked the other day and remarked that the cooler temps in the house would probably be better.

Boy howdy, would they! Thought he'd never bring that up!

So we trooped the cans into the closet in Girl Child's room.

Before they left, they were speculating on what we'd do with all the space when they were gone (they've reached the age where it occurs to them they do take up space). They may have had some ideas, but I don't think they figured we'd turn their rooms into an ASP.
