10 September 2007

Leavin'...on a jet plane...

Petraeus now talking about the point at which he feels we can start to draw down, saying it would be premature to make predictions about the pace of drawdowns past next summer. And token reductions this winter - the MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) that's there will leave soon, he says.

Well, yes. MEUs take six-month cruises. He also refers to a BCT (brigade combat team) departing around the new year without replacement. Beyond that, he's not committing to anything, which is without a doubt a good idea.

He just handled the whole "change the mission strictly to training" issue - that is, if we made our mission one strictly of training Iraqi Security Forces, rather than one of providing security and killin' terrorists, we'd lose fewer people and could reduce our forces.

Petraeus pointed out handily that we've seen before what happens when we hand off tasks to the Iraqi Security Forces before they're ready - really bad stuff.

We seem to be closing out the general's portion of all this madness. He concludes and there's....more heckling!!! By women in pink outfits, weating foam rubber tiaras and buttons with slogans on them?!?!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Loyal Opposition. [spit]