19 March 2007

Seven down...one to go

Abby's Mom is damn near finished with chemo. Her last treatment is Thursday.

[I pause here for the barks, yaps and howls to die down]

Yep - she rocks. Now, during the course of her chemo, she has mostly opted to be a redhead. Which is cool. A lifelong blonde, she's gotten a kick out the opportunity to try something different (in her reports from Redheadland, she tells us that blondes do not have more fun - it's just a lie the redheads tell so nobody gets jealous).

However, a wig is a wig and sometimes one gets sicks of them. So, when her Emergency Room co-workers held the St. Patrick's day part, Mom said...ahh...screw the wig. Too easy to be a redhead on St. Patrick's Day. So Mom got festive.

Oh lord. I post the picture with her blessing.

She's beautiful, hey? This picture pretty much sums up how she's coped with all of this. Cry about it a little, swear about it a little, and laugh about it as much as is possible. It's pretty damn admirable.

I find the white shirt and hoop earring make her look slightly...piratical (if that's a word). Which is cool. Yaaargh! The guy with her is a co-worker. Her co-workers rock, and have been fabulous throughout this whole ordeal.

(Incidentally, Mom's birthday falls on International Talk Like a Pirate Day)

So - one more chemo, and then, rumor has it, maybe three or four weeks before there's any need to start looking for hair to start growing back.

And, just in case you were wondering how the Emergency Room staff manages to cope with the stresses of the job and still look so cheerful?

Jello shots. I don't know if I've been to an ER social function that didn't involve Jello shots.