29 May 2007

Well, here I be

Sorry about the delay - one laptop between the two of us isn't quite enough - Mr. Abby keeps thinking it's more important that he find us a house than that I hang out reading blogs and whining on my own. Geez...

Started the New Job today. No sunlight, no physical activity, not a whole lot of challenge. But I did get to pee in a cup. It'll do. For now.

I was nearly hit by a giant pickup today while I stood in a gas station parking lot staring at a bird I'd never seen before. Turned out to be Tyrannus Forficatus - the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. Cool.

I did get settled into the extended-stay place, and tomorrow when I wrestle the digital camera away from Mr. Househunter, I'll share a pic.