28 March 2007

Good God...

I'm watching a movie called "Jesus Camp," which seems to be about...nutbag evangelical Christians in Missouri.

Full of conversations with nine-year-olds in which they recycle whatever garbage they're being fed by their youth pastors. And they have picked the nutty ones.

They're talking right now to some little blond girl who just said, "my favorite music is like Christian heavy metal and rock and roll..."

Oh, honey, let's talk to you again in six years.

I'm not a religous individual. I try to respect the beliefs of others (that is, I don't refer to anyone's God as "Santa Claus" in front public). But I'm also a big fan of moderation, and religious nuts of all sorts creep me out.

These folks, who've dreamed up a Jesus-based Pledge of Allegiance that they can recite before beginning their homeschool day to study how God created the earth 6,000 years ago... Ugh.

That's just creepy, and I don't care who you are.

UPDATE - Goodness. The youth pastors are now praying over the projector for their PowerPoint presentation. It was kind of touching and sweet, until they started speaking in tongues.

But I think I can agree with them that Satan invades meetings regularly via digital projectors.

UPDATE II -- Okay, it's done. These people deserve only my ridicule. And I quote, "and had it been in the Old Testament, Harry Potter would have been put to death!"

You don't like Harry Potter, you suck. End of story. I will continue to watch, but will share no more of this "Jesus Camp."

UPDATE III -- I lied! Rev. Ted Haggard (a perennial favorite of mine) is in the movie, preaching morality and spiritual warfare.