14 March 2007

Roll on, highway!

I'm hitting it again. Tomorrow I kick off another Road Trip, this time off to visit Mr. Abby. I'm not sure exactly when I've last driven 700 miles for sex, but hey. Like I have anything better to do.

However, this is not a trip I intend to take the Bad Dogs on. You get a hotel that will allow two dogs (one of them large and scary), and then you're stuck there. Mine love love love to bark bark bark, so it's a downer.

This mean I had to find a Dog Hotel. I know Mr. Abby boarded them a time or two while I was gone, but I've never done it here. Thank God for google...

Also, for once, thank God for Florida. People are almost universally nuts, but the nice thing about that is it encourages folks to open absurdly nice pet care facilities. Once you resign yourself to paying a little bit, there are plenty of options here.

I settled on Carter's Canine Condos. Yes - I am that person. It looked nice.

We'll see. We hit the road tomorrow afternoon and I'll drop them on my way out of town. The guy who runs the Dog Hotel sounds good - trustworthy, like one of those men who likes dogs far better than people.

The Bad Dogs aren't yet aware that the shit is on, and since I won't have to pack their things until morning, they won't have a clue. If they seems happy when I pick them up, it'll be a product endorsement.

Bonus points if you know the song from which I took the post title. Of course, if you do, it's stuck in your head already. Gotcha!