10 May 2007


I just washed a bunch of underwear and a pair of my favorite shorts in a bucket. I thought briefly about taking a picture of the drying process, but you'll just have to conjure up your own imagine of my 550 cord clothesline that runs the length of the living room.

I wash everything in the bucket, give it a good wring and shake in the shower, then hang it between the two A/C vents. You could call it "ghetto," but I like to think of it as "expeditionary."

I can do it for pretty much any garment, although I usually don't do long pants. Handled correctly, I won't have to make a laundromat trip until right before Mr. Abby gets home.

Although, it has gotten simpler since I remembered to pick up clothespins. Before that, I used paper clamps and chip clips, and that was ghetto.

OK. The Tigers game is almost over, and I'm off to the range.