08 May 2007

Idiots and video games

Student held in off-campus apartment shooting

At first I thought, oh no! How terrible! How awful!

Then I heard this part:

One of the wounded men, returning home with a bloody bandage on his left shoulder, said the dispute started Monday night when he and the other victims accused Brooks of stealing a Sony Playstation console and game.


Video game enthusiasts.


I seriously stopped giving a shit about this story the instant I heard some video game system was involved.

The fact that our culture is producing grown men who give a shit about video games... It's tied into a lot, I think. Video games suggest pasty, weak, pudgy, soft young men with whiny voices.

You know the guys I'm talking about. The mere sight dragging his pale, flabby self around the grocery store, stocking up on energy drinks and salty snacks, makes me foam at the mouth.

Can't even hack it as a real 19-year old, spends his time fucking with video games.

See - I'm foaming at the mouth now, I can't write, because I can't string that much foul language together.

If there's a straight 19-year-old guy in America who's not in some sort of single-sex environment, and he's trying to do anything other than get laid in his off-time, that guy just ain't right.

Listen - you're 19. You chase girls to try to get laid. You work on your car to impress girls to try to get laid. You lift weights to look hot to get laid. You hang out on beaches and at bars and in bookstores to try to find a chick who likes you so you can get laid. You go to work so you can buy shit and try to get laid. You study so you can get good grades and get a decent job and make money to buy more shit and get laid.

Get it? That's what 19 year old guys should be doing. Hell, if you're gay and you're 19, I'm assuming you're doing something very similar.

I've been fortunate enough to know some very fine young men in the 18-22 age bracket. Not a single one of them would ever have sat around playing video games if there was a snowball's chance in Hell of running across some ass somewhere. The ones who might have were to a man anemic in all senses of the word.

Any boy who's regularly playing video games after he reaches, say, 14 or so...ought to be snatched up and sent to some Young Man Re-Education camp, run by, say, lumberjacks. Or rodeo cowboys.

I blame the lack of quality father figures.

Now I'm going to go spit again.