20 April 2007


I get such a kick out of the sitemeter. I get lots of folks like this:

Referring URL http://www.google.co... of the night yorkie
Search Engine google.com
Search Words random barking in the middle of the night yorkie

And I get some unfortunate, desperate souls for whom things seem to have gotten a bit further out of hand...
Referring URL http://www.google.co...ously bad dogs&meta=
Search Engine google.co.uk
Search Words training for seriously bad dogs

But the one totally random post on which I still get folks wandering in is one in which I mentioned by name a certain male enhancement product advertised on late night TV. I'm not sure what share of those hits are sleazebags who want to see the sleazy commercials again (ick), and what share are the unfortunate souls who think they might need said product.

It makes it kinda tempting to just post random word strings and see what happens. Let's try!

Weasels wearing diapers
Hot wet rawhide chewtoy
Monkey with wineglass
Paperback shotgun marathon

There. I'll let y'all know how that turns out for me.