13 May 2007

Mother's Day

Shout out to Abby's Mom. She's working this weekend, tending to the medical emergencies of Barry County.

Last year, I sent flowers from Fort Bragg on Mother's Day, and was happy because I figured the coming year would be less worrisome for her. And it was, until evil Mr. Cancer came calling in the fall.

She's spent the past six months kicking Cancer's ass. It hasn't been a gentle ass-kicking, either. She dragged Cancer out in the street by the scruff of the neck and has been kicking him down the sidewalk. He got in a couple good licks, but surgery in about a month will drive the last nail into his coffin.

This in the middle of working, running the local Humane Society, and keeping track of me and the rest of the goofballs of the family.

So a toast to Abby's Mom - may this coming year finally cut you some slack. I love you. Happy Mother's Day!