03 April 2007

Poor Allie

So I was sitting on the couch last night, crunching happily through a bag of baby carrots. Casey is way into veggies, so I was tossing her one for every two or three I ate. She ALSO crunches through them with great zeal.

(Heck, even Sparky got in on the act and had one)

So Allie was staring at me. She obviously wanted a treat. Now, we know she's on a special diet, but I figured - hey, it's carrots.

I handed her one. She took it. And then just looked at me. It was as if I could read her mind.

I have absolutely no idea, she said with those big brown eyes, what the Hell is up with you people. This is not a snack.
Sorry, girl. The no-cheeseburgers rule remains in place.