29 January 2007

More on the movie issue

I detected a little disbelief when I was referencing Mr. Abby's weird-ass taste in film in a recent post. Of course he likes all the stupid guy movies, but that's not the disturbing part. Nor, really, are the foreign films about family dynamics and food. I don't get the obsession, but I'm down with ethnic cooking flicks.

No - the weird part is when he brings home something utterly off-the-damn wall. Long ago and far away, when we were dating, he went to the base video store. Now, there ain't a lot of options at the CAMP HANSEN, OKINAWA video store. But he came back with a weird one.

Ever hear of "Passion in the Desert?" I still cannot fathom why he picked it. Even weirder, we watched the entire thing. I endured it - he seemed to really enjoy it.

It's a mystery.